Monday 28 February 2011

Epic Dragon Test

(Hopefully it should work!)

Oooh, Pretty!

I've been doing quite a lot of stuff lately, so I thought that I might show y'all.

Unfortunately (or fortunately), Most of the work i do these days seems to be code-based; and I'm pretty sure everybody doesn't wasn't to see 10 pages of solid code-gibberish, So I'll just show you the pretty stuff instead!

Really, the world seems quite unfair to coders; nobody ever sees the streams code that drove them to their inevitable insanity...

The first thing I've started work on again is my Dragon!

I'm very proud of my Dragon - I've got it following the mouse cursor and it articulates all the way down its body accordingly. I also spent many hours last week playing with animation and I eventually managed to make the animation for the wings; after adding code this week the wings now open and close varying amounts by holding down or releasing the space bar!

Here you can see the Dragon with folded wings!

The Dragon also now launches fireballs on the click of the mouse! They currently grow in size over time, but I'm hoping to set it so that the duration that mouse is held down as the size and damage of the fireball.

You may also notice that each fireball above looks different; this is because I added animation to it which gives the effect of backspin.

If Epic Dragons and fireballs are not your thing, perhaps Architecture might be instead - I am currently recreating the Seattle Space Needle in 3DS Max. So far I'm thoroughly enjoying it because things are actually going to plan:

Saturday 12 February 2011


I've just spent a while trying to get used to 3ds Max:

This actually took a couple of hours, but I had an earlier version which didn't turn out right which took me weeks. Easy when you know how.