Sunday 17 April 2011

Bibliography, Finally!



Schrieber, I.; Brathwaite, B; 2009. Challenges for Game Designers. Charles River Media: Boston.
Scott, R; 2010. Level up!: The guide to great video game design. John Wiley & Sons: Chichester


Zagal, J. Fernández – Vara, C. Mateas, M. 2008. Rounds, Levels, and Waves: The Early Evolution of Gameplay Segmentation. Games and Culture. Volume 3 Number 2

Venturelli, M. 2009. Space of Possibility and Pacing in Casual Game Design: A PopCap Case Study. VIII Brazilian Symposium on Games and Digital Entertainment.


Caillois, R. 'The Definition of Play: The Classification of Games', Salen, K., Zimmerman, E., The Game Design Reader, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

If I find another contribution I can soon put it in... but it's about finding them rather than typing them out correctly... I think...

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