Sunday 9 February 2014


After some deliberation I thought I would attempt to use the blog a little again; It will probably be a little less formal than the University-module blog-era, but much like many comic-film based reboots, it should go down quite well.

I mean, it doesn't necessarily feel like it, but a lot of stuff has happened since the last posts on this blog and I'm always endeavouring into something new or unusual, which is why somebody suggested I documented it.

Some of the things which have happened include:
  • I made a portfolio
  • I graduated
  • I made a lot of cakes
  • I learned from friends about the crazy world of Magic the Gathering
  • I've taken part in 3 Games Jams
  • I've been presenting radio three mornings a week (and one afternoon)
  • I've been part of a few projects
  •  And much much more (of course).
Clearly that list will give me quite a few things to cover in the following posts, so stay tuned.

I was speaking to somebody still in the course I have graduated from, and they were talking about how one of their lectures involved a talk on BootStrap. Clearly I was not in this lecture, so things I've learnt have been from prodding around in the big wide web, but it sounds interesting, clean and code based, which are at least some of the reasons I get interested in things. Anyway, I'm reasonably happy with my portfolio, but my blog has looked the same forever, so I was thinking about somehow trying to implement Bootstrap into this blog. I should probably set myself realistic targets, but at least I have something to aim for. According to my minimalist 5-minute research it SHOULD be possible, and if I were using Wordpress it has a plugin for it already.

However, I have no intention to be switching around on blogs. Apparently I have nearly 6000 views on this blog; I feel they are mainly from Google results from my venom pumpkin template and  random bots, but eh, who cares... So I see no reason to jump-ship from this one. So yeah, you could perhaps see a shiny looking blog layout in the future...


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