Thursday 4 November 2010


Firstly - Halloween is great - I've always loved it, end of story.
Unfortunately there is not much you can do at Halloween in the UK after the age of... Like... 10 or so without looking a bit weird, out of place or having lots of people stare in disapproval (or all three). That never usually puts me off anyway, but I think perhaps I draw enough attention to myself without making an designing an elaborate Halloween costume and scaring the S*** out of everyone in our town.
I've got to be honest, I was quite disappointed in the evening of Hallowen; Halloween comes once a year and I hadn't even left the house from playing games completing uni work all day. I had a quick think and decided to ask a few friends if they wanted to raid some supermarkets in the morning and haggle to get some pumpkins for stupidly cheap prices to be 'creative with'.

In the morning Ross turned up at my doorstep and we both cycled into Felixstowe. After previously getting a tip off that Tesco's had cheap pumpkins we walked in and had a rummage in the pumpkin box. Amazingly they were selling 'large' pumpkins at 50p a hit! I'll be perfectly honest, if the pumpkins that we picked up were large, I'd hate to see the so-called 'small pumpkins'. We decided we could get two each and proceeded to hug them to the self-service checkouts.

I'll be honest, The self-service staff members were not the only people who gave us confused looks, and I don't blame them.

After paying for the Pumpkins... We had a sudden realisation that we were so exited about the price of the pumpkins that we hadn't thought about how we were going to transport them. Luckily ross had brought a bag/satchel which (to my amazement) carried his two pumpkins, and I decided I would bag my pair up and strap one to each of my handlebars... Sounds like a great idea doesn't it?

We actually ended up making quite a few detours before arriving at Ross' house including town, library and Lidl - Lidl was for lunch and we decided on a pack of 8 sausages for 95p to put in sandwiches and a bag of crisps, so we were at about £2.00 each in teams of spending.

The route - A = Start B = End the random squiggle is backtracking, town and Lidl right at the bottom. This is the simplified version and  It is something stupid like 5 miles!

Anyway, I digress - We picked up some extremely old pumpkin carving tools from my house and eventually got to our destination.
Pumpkin Carving Kit

Everyone knows how to carve pumpkins; first you cut out the top, and then you gut it. Of course we additionally made a mess to accompany it. We googled around  for a while and decided to get some black and white images we liked from google as a template and cut out either the black bits or the white bits instead of using a pre-determined pattern. We found a picture of a storm trooper and set to work; first taping it to the pumpkin, pricking through the paper into the pumpkin, removing the paper and cutting through the pricks like a dot-to-dot. evidently when reading this you will be able to tell I used to do this a lot when I was smaller.

 We ended up with this;
Which looked  a little bit like this in a dark room;
It's probbaly easier to see what it is, if you know what it is - If you know what I mean.
We were secretly impressed with what we had created and decided to upgrade our carving abilities to the next level with some harder pictures/templates.
I created an epic spider-man logo pumpkin - I'll be perfectly honest it would be a lot more epic if it didn't have a strip of tape to aid the support of the incredibly flimsy bottom leg pieces - but I like it.
Ross, being obsessed with all things Mario  decided to attempt a Mario pumpkin - I'll be perfectly honest it looks good but I'm not impressed because it was a design specially created for pumpkins....
We started to run out of time as the evening drew to a close and so I found a quick picture of a space-invader and tried to devise my own way of getting some eyes to float in the spaces of the face - whilst not realising I'd cut off one side of the tentacles.

And finally, This is all the pumpkins in their pumpkin-like glory

And that my friends was another day in the life of Sean and Ross.

The End.
(For Now)

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