Friday 26 November 2010

Dinner For...

Dinner for... Well, you decide!

Just as a note - If you haven't watched 'Dinner for Schmucks' (you should) and wish to be oblivious to the story of the film or any spoilers, stop right now just in case; though I have tried to cut most of it.

I recently watched the film "Dinner for Schmucks"; The basic storyline of the film being that a businessman has to bring an "idiot" guest to dinner for everyone to make fun of, and subsequently to secure his new promotion. Everyone does the same and the "winning" guest gets a trophy. of course the main character is stuck between morals and financial promotion.

The main character literally bumps into his guest accidentally - His name is Barry and is hobby is being a mouse taxidermist/artist. Basically, he creates art from road-kill.

The Movie put aside (though still recommended), I just thought I'd share his work - Understandably, it's the legendary Steve Carrel in a film; I don't imagine he made them, or either that it is 'real'... But whilst the concept is a bit messed up; it is really quite amazing in it's own right.

The Film starts with a series of these scenes; almost telling a story.

 When the film gets situated a little more; Barry shows some more works of art; all are based around famous works of art: recreated with mice. e.g. Mouse-a-lisa

 The as the film draws to a close, Barry finishes with an epic speech including some of his work;


"This is something I call 'The tower of dreamers'."

"One thousand years ago, the only people on earth were monkeys; and they said
'We'll never walk erectus, We'll never use tools, We'll never talk.'
and then one monkey said
'Oh yeah? Well I'm talking right now!'
That monkey was a dreamer."

"Fast forward 500 years; the Wright brothers decide to make themselves a flying machine.
'You fools! You idiots. What's your problem?' everyone shouted.
'That will never work; because plywood weighs more than air!'
to which the Wright brothers responded;
'No, it doesn't.'
The Wright Brothers were dreamers."

"The earl of Sandwhich, and sir Francis Bacon.
If it was not for them, the 'BLT' would simply be 'lettuce and tomato'.
They were dreamers... And sandwich makers..."

"Vincent van Gogh - Everyone told him:
'You only have one ear; you cannot be a great artist.'
And you know what he said?
'I can't hear you.'
Vincent van Gogh was a dreamer."

"Louis Pasteur turned cheese into medicine..."

"Benjamin Franklin.
People said:
'You can't fly a kite in a rain storm.'
And ben franklin said:
'Yes you can - If you have an electric kite.'"

"The man who broke more bones than any man in history: Evel Kenevil..."

"So dare to dream; dream your wildest dreams. You can climb the highest mountain.
You can drown in a teacup - If you find a big enough teacup;
And if somebody tells you you can't do something, you say;
'Yes I can - Because I'm doing it right now."

Hope you enjoyed it!
Just as a note - It is a comedy; I wouldn't try taking any of the 'history', 'facts' or 'quotes' above in any assignments you may have.

1 comment:

  1. you left out the last part...which is the most important...:(
