Tuesday 21 December 2010



In case you haven't all noticed; there has recently been lots of snow.
Last year we also got quite a bit of snow in early January and I decided to make an igloo in the back garden;

As you can see from the last picture, it was quickly put together (in a single day I think) with round-ish blocks. With the proceeding high-winds and its egg-shape structure it soon started to topple over.

This year, the snow was back - and I was ready for round two: A second iteration.

Unfortunately, we were pretty much snowed-in this year, and all I had at my disposal was a medium-sized ice-cream tub which must have been about half the size of the box I used to make the bricks the previous year.

Several deliberate improvements included filled-in brick gaps, a more-even circular-base, a wider doorway and an overall larger igloo.

Unfortunately, I soon ran out of daylight, and warmth. I left it for the day and vowed to finish the following day with the vast amount of snow which was left. I was incredibly impressed with what I had achieved:

The next day soon arrived and I rushed out like a small child to get it finished. To my dismay, the previously awesome snow had been frozen into a fine powdery snow. Have you ever tried to make a sandcastle out of sand with no water in it? It was like that. I cannot describe my child-like disappointment.

So, my poor unfinished igloo is now sitting in my garden awaiting some more 'nice' snow, or to be consumed by the sun.

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